Tuesday, May 22, 2007

20 Books Already!

Zipping right along we are already up to 20 books. Tonight we had a quick trip to the library before going to see Shrek 3. We found some very good books in a very short time with the help of our friend Denise who is a librarian at our local library.

Book #15 My Grandmother's Clock by Geraldine McCaughrean

The Grandma in this book explains why she doesn't need to get the big grandfather clock fixed and how she can tell the seconds, minutes, hours, days and years by observing things around her.

Monkey liked: The orange cat in the pictures.
Teecee liked: The fuzzy sheep sleeping in the field

Book #16 Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems
The bus driver leaves you in charge of watching the bus and tells you not to let the pigeon drive the bus. The pigeon tries everything to convince you to let him drive the bus.

Monkey liked: When the pigeon says "I'll be your best friend.."
Teecee liked: When the pigeon has a tantrum.

This book is highly recommended. We read it at least 10 times last night.

Book #17 My Friend Bear by Jez Alborough
A lonely little boy and a lonely bear meet in he woods and become friends.
Monkey liked: the silly talking teddy bear
Teecee liked: the bear laughing

Book #18 Captain Duck by Jez Alborough
Duck gets carried away and takes off with Sheep and Frog in Goat's boat.
Monkey liked: That the goat got left behind.
Teecee liked: The water-skiing frog.

Book #19 Some Dogs Do by Jez Alborough
Sid the dog is so happy one day he floats up in the air and flies to school but nobody believes him.
Monkey liked: The silly flying dog
Teecee liked: The happy puppy withe the big smile.
We brought this one home from the library.

Book #20 Terrific by Jon Agee
A grumpy man has a lot of bad luck until he meets up with a very smart parrot.

Monkey liked: Everything, he told his uncle that this was a "GREAT BOOK!"
Teecee liked: That Lenny decided to stay with the grumpy man.
We borrowed this one from the library to read at home.

1 comment:

canknitian said...

Pigeon has his own website -- http://www.pigeonpresents.com/ -- and, soon, will have a musical!